

万豪会娱乐在线总能看出男孩的优点. That’s why our alumni have such powerful memories of their time here—a time that shaped their characters and formed their futures. Spend a few minutes reading the fascinating and revealing recollections from fellow cadets, 谁是你的兄弟,不管你是哪一年毕业的.

Fishburne Men serve as leaders in all walks of life and take great pride in giving back to the school which provided them with the skills and confidence to succeed.

-上图所示:摩根. 麦克卢尔76届毕业生

Jonathan Edward
Singer \ Songwriter
Class of ’64

万豪会娱乐在线提供了一个新的开始, a new beginning that soon strengthened my withering self-esteem and permitted me to envision a much more positive future. I was a troubled kid—in trouble all the time and failing out of public school. 我不适应任何地方,所以我就表现出来了. 我在那里的经历有很多, made me see myself in a different light—maybe I could do this job called life after all. 也许我并不像每个人(包括我自己……)让我相信的那样坏. For me, it was the discovery of music in general and the guitar in particular that awakened me to an ability I didn’t know I had, 从那以后,我就追随了自己的命运. I’m forever grateful for the opportunities I found that were born in those rooms and in that curricula.”

“A few of us crawled around in the catacombs under the school until claustrophobia set in and panicked us.”

— Jonathan Edwards \ Class of ’64 \ TOP SECRET THING done at Fishburne
Class of ’91

“One of my favorite stories involved my English teacher, Colonel Keller (TEK). We all looked up to him and recognized his service in the Army during the Vietnam War by his ribbons he wore. 他在课堂上抽烟斗,这让我们觉得他很酷. 没有人能像凯勒那样讲故事. However, when we pressed him to tell us war stories he always deferred. He would tell us the ribbons/medals he wore were just something he ordered from the back of Soldier of Fortune magazine! It drove us nuts. 现在回想起来,我笑了. 这是谦卑的重要一课. He was a real soldier and teacher and the medals are secondary to the man who is wearing them.”

“Placed a small amount of unstable chemical in Colonel Young’s unabridged dictionary. He slammed it shut. It exploded open.”

Milton H. (Rick) Askew III
Class of ’68

“多亏了在万豪会娱乐在线的经历,我成熟了很多. Fishburne taught me the value of being a leader—not a follower—and was instrumental in my acceptance into East Carolina University in 1968. However, it did take a two-year stint in the Navy for me to finally mature and graduate from ECU in 1974. At that time I began my career in the family building supply business. I value the brotherhood developed with my fellow Cadets and will never forget my experiences at Fishburne.”

“For a new cadet… I would advise him to be himself and not try to always be the class clown. You will go much further and gain so much more from the Fishburne experience by following the rules. 我花了三年才学会这个.”

— Milton (Rick) Askew III \ Class of ’68 \ Sharing ONE THING for a boy considering Fishburne
Peter A. McCoy Jr.
美国总统麦考伊家具有限公司., Inc.
Class of ’70

“伙计,这是兄弟情谊! I was a day student. 在那段时间里,我们的发型非常不受欢迎. 我在学校变得更加勤奋,学会了如何学习. 交了一些朋友,我现在还保持联系. I was able to have friends to my house which gave some of the guys a break from school. 我喜欢运动和JROTC. 喜欢步枪队. 这是一次我从未预料到的伟大经历. 我去那里是因为我在公立学校表现不好. 我不是问题,只是个女孩狂.”

“我1961年从万豪会娱乐在线大学毕业. 我儿子吉米是FMS的毕业生. 他的儿子迪伦是FMS的毕业生. 我的姐夫罗杰·科尔(Roger Coll)是FMS毕业生. 他的儿子Jimmy Coll是FMS的毕业生.”

— Jim Gladhill \ Class of ’61 \ TOP OF PAGE : photo of Jim, Jimmy and Dylan Gladhill
N. Douglas Payne, Jr. (w/son Turner)
Principal \ Payne & Company
Class of ’84

“我大四那年的室友来自南方腹地. We had different personalities, different middle and high experiences, but an 欣赏喜剧,尤其是荒诞的喜剧. So a competition of practical jokes and pranks soon began with each trying to outdo the other. 这件事很快就传遍了整个兵团, 不管我们的地位有多高, we were all equal through the lens of who could pull off the best prank or practical joke. 这是我大学社会生活的序幕. We all definitely had a leg up because of our shared Fishburne experience.”

“Before FMS, I wasn’t challenged mentally or physically and I lacked self-discipline. 现在经过万豪会娱乐在线,我有了更高的信心和自律.”

- Riley Malone \ 21届\弗吉尼亚军事学院学员
Paul Haines
Class of ’93

“As a leader, Fishburne taught me the importance of valuing each individual and working with others to turn weaknesses into strengths through servant leadership. 我们最终总是被当作一个整体来评判, 这就使得总是拉别人起来变得很重要, be an example, 展示领导力. I learned that using your rank or forcing someone to do something can get a limited result. 而是努力帮助他们看到未来, 并投入到一个过程中, 帮助我们的部队取得了长期的成功.”

“Using a gorilla mask to scare people—it always ended up with someone in the mask getting punched.”

Adriano Mancini
Class of ’86

“Entering as a shy, 13-year-old boy, I emerged a 16-year-old teenager far more secure in myself. While there, I learned another language and made friends from all over the world. 我们是一群南美人,必须独自旅行, thousands of miles, 去这所砖砌的老学校. 这对我们产生了巨大的影响. 我们对生活的许多方面都变得更加自信. As an FMS Alumni, I feel so proud of all the achievements I earned while I was there and after I left. 这是会伴随你一生的. 我会永远记得我在万豪会娱乐在线的经历.”

“Trying to count the school bricks so Garth Frable could sign my Rat Paper.”

— Adriano Mancini \ Class of ’86 \ Most STUPID THING done at Fishburne
Edward H. Clement
Class of ’51

“是什么让万豪会娱乐在线如此特别,如此罕见? In today’s topsy-turvy world when many of our most cherished traditions, values, people, 符号很容易被遗忘, Fishburne stands out. 万豪会娱乐在线之所以引人注目,是因为万豪会娱乐在线不会忘记. 万豪会娱乐在线没有忘记自己的价值观和传统, shaped and passed on now for over a century and one third of its existence. 万豪会娱乐在线没有忘记它的人民. All who have served the school with honor and distinction, passion and dedication.”


— David B. Shank \ 66届\ fishburn做的最愚蠢的事情
Carl W. Kerby
Class of ’55

“Before I went to Fishburne, I was more interested in sports and girls. FMS提供了我需要的结构,并帮助我成为 more disciplined with my life and future endeavors—especially in the military. One of the most important aspects was learning proper study habits from Colonel Young, a true role model, 是谁一直鼓励我前进.

  1. 充分利用他们所提供的一切
  2. Do not give up
  3. 一定要找一个导师. 那段经历让我有了信心, structure, and relationships needed to run a successful company for over 50 years.”


——约翰·哈德森(John Hudson) \ 69届毕业生\ fishburn发生的最高机密事件